Barrel Racing


Step 1:

This drill set up will use only the the gray “Start Gate” pod (marked with an S) and a black pod.

Note: For the RM-501 Barrel Racing system, the gray pod will not be marked with an “S”.

Step 2:

Attach the pods to tripods so they are at the horses’ chest height and set up the system via the app.

Timer mode > Equestrian Barrel Racing

Note: You can change seconds per penalty in Settings, and add penalties after a run is complete by clicking the “P” that appears in the timer window next to “reset”. Password protects the penalty feature by changing the Access Code in Settings.

Step 3

Place one tripod at point A and one tripod at point B as shown in the diagram below.

To align the beams, roughly point the gray and the black timers at each other. At the black timer and looking at your phone’s app, slowly turn the black timer using the tripod handle from side to side and up and down until you get a solid green dot on the app. In order to avoid reflections on the sand that could cause a missed crossing, slowly point the black box upwards until the beam is lost (red X), then slowly go back until the beam is restored. This will avoid illuminating the sand as much as possible.

Step 4

Once the rider has crossed the gate (the beam) the timer will immediately begin counting in the app.


step 6

Once the rider crosses back through the gate, the timer will immediately stop counting.