ArenaGear Product Comparison Chart
Model # of Gates Gate Width Human Atheletes Bicycles Motorcylces Horses Dogs Cars / Trucks/ Airplanes Compatible with Acessories

Scoreboard, RM-510G, Wireless Remote, RM-510RB, RM-510H
RM-510 Pro Agility 1 4-8 ft For athletic drills that start and finish at the same line

Pro Shuttle Run 5-10-5, L-Drill, 5-0-5, etc.
RM-510 Track Bundle 2 4-8 ft Police Rodeo Mounted Archery Start and Finish Lines for human athletes

For athletics track and football training

Can add any RM-510 Accessory (up to 4 Split Gates, wireless button, scoreboard, Hand Start gate)

Times all agility drills plus all dash, fly and sprints
RM-510 Complete Gym 2 4-8 ft Police Rodeo Mounted Archery Everything in the RM-510 Track bundle plus the large Scoreboard
RM-501 Barrel Racing 1 20-200 ft Free Upgrade to RM-510 (one gate) with Scoreboard For Events that start and finish at the same line.

Barrel Racing, Mounted Shooting, Gymkhana, etc.

for horses, cars, ATVs, etc.
RM-510L Equestrian 2 20-200 ft Mud Bikes Start and Finish lines for large targets (horses, cars, ATVs, airplanes, etc)

Can add any RM-510 Accessory
RM-510R Rodeo 2 20-200 ft Same as the RM-510L, plus a Wireless Button
RM-510 Dog Agility 2 10-30 ft Compatible with wireless button and Scoreboard
Wireless Button RM-510RB - - Compatible with all RM-510 timers Wireless button allows the Start, Pause, Resume, Stop and Clear of the time.

Pause time while jump is rebuilt
RM-510G Split Gate 1 4-8 ft Compatible with all RM-510 timers Captures split times (up to 4 per system)
RM-510H Hand Motion Gate 1 6 inches Compatible with all RM-510 timers Detects hand first motion, for track 3-point starts
RM-510SB Wireless Scoreboard 6 inches Compatible with all RM-510 timers Large Display board, Full Sunlight Readable