RM-501 minus Tripods -- Barrel Racing, Mounted Shooting, Pole Bending
One Gate Timer for sports that start and end at the same line
Automatically starts the time when the rider interrupts the beam and stops when the beam is interrupted a second time. Automatically resets when the next rider breaks the beam, no need to manually reset the time between riders.
Designed for events were spectators may be following the time on their own phones. The judge and other event organizers are the only ones that can reset the time or change the penalties
Times down to the 1/1,000 of a second (0.001 seconds)
Keeps a log the last 99 runs,
Free iOS app for iPhone and iPad, and Android phones and tablets with Bluetooth
One set laser gates (two eyes)
One tough carrying cases
2 sets of AA batteries
Note: Does not include tripods to reduce your shipping costs, we recommend the AmazonBasics 50” tripods ASIN B00XI87KV8, but any standard tripod taller than about 40 inches will work fine.

Additional Info
Warranty: One year from the original purchase, non-transferable warranty for all manufacturing and workmanship defects. Does not cover physical damage to the unit due to misuse or accidents.
By purchasing this product you agree to the sales terms and conditions:
There are no Express or Implied warranties of merchantability, fitness or function for any commercial use of the product.
Under all circumstances, ArenaGear LLC’s liability cap shall be limited to the refund of the purchase price.