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RM-510 Dog Agility/FastCat timer


The RM-510 Dog Agility timer is easy to setup and use, and very accurate. Time is displayed on any smartphone running our app. Works with all iPhones and iPads, and Android phones and tablets with Bluetooth Smart. The RM-510-DA keeps time to three decimal places (0.001 seconds) and comes with two gates. Maximum distance from Start gate to Finish gate is about 600ft. Very easy to use. Unlimited number of phones can receive the time. Keeps time of the last 500 runs in memory.

Dog Agility Trials and Fast CAT for AKC, USDSS, CKC, ASCA, NADAC, and AAC. Times all Standard, JWW, FAST and T2B classes

No Cables – Completely wireless for quick set up. RM-510-DA includes start and finish gates

  • Maximum distance from Start gate to Finish gate is over 900ft, perfect for Fast CAT or 200yd races.

  • Self-aligning optics makes setup a breeze, just place one tower on each side of the track or obstacle and you are done.

  • Very easy to use. Unlimited number of phones can receive the time. Keeps time of the last 500 runs in memory. Any phone within 200ft can receive the time when running our free app. Compatible with the big scoreboard (sold separately.

  • Quad-beam, works with all size dogs, setup the eyes so the dogs will break the beam when crossing the gate

  • Battery Life ~ 30+hrs on a single charge.

  • Free iOS app for iPhone, iPad, and Android

  • Includes everything you need: 2 gates, 4 tripods, 4 magnetic mounts, charger and cables, carrying case and manual

Note: There is a waitlist, lead time is 2-3 weeks

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