Skijoring Set Up


Step 1:

Set up gates 20 feet apart so that the beam reaches above knee-height on the athlete. The finish gate can be placed up to 1200 feet away or more from the Start gate depending on the terrain and obstacles.

Use ramps, hay bales, or snow to protect the tripods from the tow rope.


Step 2:

Open App > Settings > Mode: 2-Gate Autostart

The timer will automatically start once the Start gate beam is broken by the athlete. The timer will end and the time will be registered in the app once the athlete breaks the Finish gate beam. The system is ready for the next athlete.

Reminder: Keep phone close to gray start pod and click on the gear icon once it turns from gray to blue to access settings. This might take a moment while the pod communicates with the phone.


Step 3

The horse should avoid crossing the gates by passing next to them, allowing the athlete to go through both the start and the finish gates.

Note: Special care should be taken to keep the rope from hitting the gates.