Split Gate Set Up


Step 1:

The split gate is made to be used in combination with a two gate system.

Step 2:

Pair the gray “G” Split Gate pod with the gray “S” Start Gate pod. To do this, place the two pods side by side, and turn on. The lights will slow down and then begin to blink in sync.

Note: This system can allow up to four split gates. You only need to pair the “G” and “S” pod once, the pods will remember from then on.

Step 3

Set up pairs on tripods. You can have up to four split gates in a test station. The “G” gates automatically add a split time every time they are triggered. No need to make changes in Settings.

Bird’s Eye View

Front View

Split gate to measure acceleration:

Place Split gate in the first 10 yards of the test station

Bird’s Eye View

Front View

Front View

Split gate set up to measure terminal velocity:

Place split gate in the last 20 yards of the test station.

Bird’s Eye View

Front View